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Taizhou jIadebao Technology Co.,Ltd

Company Profile
With nearly 20 years of innovative experience in the household industry, Double Fish has a proven track record as a quality manufacturer of plastic storage boxes and cleaning brushes in China. New to Double Fish is our line of bagasse dinnerware produced using annually renewable resources such as agriculture by products sugarcane. Double Fish aims to manufacture high quality pulp tableware for the use in chain restaurants, caterers, schools, large public venues, hospitals, food processors, families etc.

Contact Us
Company: Taizhou jIadebao Technology Co.,Ltd
Contact: Ms. Jenny Lv
Address: No.2579 Haifeng Road, Binhai Industry Area, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China
Postcode: 318000
Tel: +86-13738663528
Fax: +86-576-88175178

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